15-06-2024 - 15-06-2024

The primary objective of the felicitation ceremony was to recognize and commend the hard work, dedication, and academic brilliance of SSC and HSC toppers. By honoring their achievements publicly, the Rotary Club aimed to inspire other students to strive for excellence in their academic pursuits. The event showcased the achievements of 25 students who excelled in their SSC and HSC examinations, with special recognition given to the 1st rank holders. These students represented different schools across the region, demonstrating their commitment to academic success and their potential to contribute positively to society. The Felicitation of SSC and HSC Toppers by the Rotary Club of Raigad Fort during its Installation Ceremony was a momentous occasion that underscored Rotary's commitment to recognizing and encouraging educational excellence. By honoring top performers, the club demonstrated its support for youth development and academic achievement in the community.

Project Details

Start Date 15-06-2024
End Date 15-06-2024
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 200
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs -
Non Rotary Partners -
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Vocational Service